1 сильный
1. sharp2. strengous3. vehement4. forceful5. greatlyгород сильно возбуждён; — the town is in a great toss
6. acute7. highly8. vigorousздоровый, сильный, бодрый — vigorous of body
9. badly10. closely-coupled11. heavilyсильно вооружённый, с мощным вооружением — heavily armed
12. lively13. potent14. powerfully15. severely16. sileni17. silenus18. smashingly19. stronglyсильные выражения; бранные слова, брань — strong language
20. violent21. very much; hard22. strong; powerful; mighty; intense; heavy; bad; great; power23. brawny24. fierceсооружение, способное выдержать самые сильные бури — a structure framed to resist the fiercest storms
25. heavy26. high27. intense28. keen29. nervous30. powerful31. sappy32. severe33. sinewy34. smart35. strenuous36. sturdy37. worseСинонимический ряд:1. глубоко (прил.) глубоко2. могуче (прил.) дюже; здоровенно; здорово; могутно; могуче; мощно3. сведуще (прил.) грамотно; компетентно; сведуще4. ярко (прил.) густо; интенсивно; насыщенно; сочно; ярко5. очень (проч.) больно; весьма; до смерти; до чрезвычайности; дьявольски; жутко; зверски; здорово; крайне; отчаянно; очень; смертельно; страшно; ужасно; чертовски; чрезвычайноАнтонимический ряд:бессильно; слабо -
2 выглядеть сильно поношенным
General subject: look the worse for wearУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > выглядеть сильно поношенным
3 выглядеть сильно потрёпанным
General subject: look the worse for wearУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > выглядеть сильно потрёпанным
4 И-53
ИЗНОСУ (ИЗНОСА, СНОСУ, СНОСА) НЕТ VP impers)1. \И-53 чему. Also: ИЗНОСУ (СНОСУ) НЕ ЗНАТЬVP subj: a noun denoting clothes, footwear etc) sth. is very durable: X-y износу нет = X doesn't (won't, will never) wear out X never wears out X will stand any amount of hard wear X will last (forever (indefinitely)).«Между прочим, хороший материал, говорят... Ему сносу нет...» (Искандер 5). "By the way, they say it's good material. Doesn't wear out" (5a)....Носки и рукавицы в палец толщиной вязала мать, и не было тем носкам и рукавицам износу (Распутин 4)....His mother had made mittens and socks a finger thick and those socks and mittens never wore out (4a).2. \И-53 кому rare s.o. is in good shape, despite being old or middle-aged: X-y сносу нет = X is (looks) none the worse for wearX wears (has aged) well the years haven't changed (aged, told on) X a bit.(Лебедев:) А тебе, старая скворешня, и сносу нет. Лет тридцать я тебя старухой знаю... (Чехов 4). (L.:) You look none the worse for wear, you old windbag. I remember you as an old woman thirty years ago (4b). (L.:) You know, old magpie, you wear well. You've been an old woman ever since I've known you - for the last thirty years (4a). -
5 износа нет
• ИЗНОСУ <ИЗНОСА, СНОСУ, СНОСА> НЕТ[VP; impers]=====1. износа нет чему. Also: ИЗНОСУ < СНОСУ> НЕ ЗНАТЬ [VP; subj: a noun denoting clothes, footwear etc]⇒ sth. is very durable:- X will last (forever < indefinitely>.♦ "Между прочим, хороший материал, говорят... Ему сносу нет..." (Искандер 5). "By the way, they say it's good material. Doesn't wear out" (5a).♦...Носки и рукавицы в палец толщиной вязала мать, и не было тем носкам и рукавицам износу (Распутин 4)....His mother had made mittens and socks a finger thick and those socks and mittens never wore out (4a).2. износа нет кому rare s.o. is in good shape, despite being old or middle-aged:- X wears < has aged> well;- the years haven't changed <aged, told on> X a bit.♦ [Лебедев:] А тебе, старая скворешня, и сносу нет. Лет тридцать я тебя старухой знаю... (Чехов 4). [L.:] You look none the worse for wear, you old windbag. I remember you as an old woman thirty years ago (4b). [L.:] You know, old magpie, you wear well. You've been an old woman ever since I've known you - for the last thirty years (4a).Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > износа нет
6 износу не знать
• ИЗНОСУ <ИЗНОСА, СНОСУ, СНОСА> НЕТ[VP; impers]=====1. износу не знать чему. Also: ИЗНОСУ < СНОСУ> НЕ ЗНАТЬ [VP; subj: a noun denoting clothes, footwear etc]⇒ sth. is very durable:- X will last (forever < indefinitely>.♦ "Между прочим, хороший материал, говорят... Ему сносу нет..." (Искандер 5). "By the way, they say it's good material. Doesn't wear out" (5a).♦...Носки и рукавицы в палец толщиной вязала мать, и не было тем носкам и рукавицам износу (Распутин 4)....His mother had made mittens and socks a finger thick and those socks and mittens never wore out (4a).2. износу не знать кому rare s.o. is in good shape, despite being old or middle-aged:- X wears < has aged> well;- the years haven't changed <aged, told on> X a bit.♦ [Лебедев:] А тебе, старая скворешня, и сносу нет. Лет тридцать я тебя старухой знаю... (Чехов 4). [L.:] You look none the worse for wear, you old windbag. I remember you as an old woman thirty years ago (4b). [L.:] You know, old magpie, you wear well. You've been an old woman ever since I've known you - for the last thirty years (4a).Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > износу не знать
7 износу нет
• ИЗНОСУ <ИЗНОСА, СНОСУ, СНОСА> НЕТ[VP; impers]=====1. износу нет чему. Also: ИЗНОСУ < СНОСУ> НЕ ЗНАТЬ [VP; subj: a noun denoting clothes, footwear etc]⇒ sth. is very durable:- X-y износу нет≈ X doesn't <won't, will never> wear out;- X will last (forever < indefinitely>.♦ "Между прочим, хороший материал, говорят... Ему сносу нет..." (Искандер 5). "By the way, they say it's good material. Doesn't wear out" (5a).♦...Носки и рукавицы в палец толщиной вязала мать, и не было тем носкам и рукавицам износу (Распутин 4)....His mother had made mittens and socks a finger thick and those socks and mittens never wore out (4a).2. износу нет кому rare s.o. is in good shape, despite being old or middle-aged:- X wears < has aged> well;- the years haven't changed <aged, told on> X a bit.♦ [Лебедев:] А тебе, старая скворешня, и сносу нет. Лет тридцать я тебя старухой знаю... (Чехов 4). [L.:] You look none the worse for wear, you old windbag. I remember you as an old woman thirty years ago (4b). [L.:] You know, old magpie, you wear well. You've been an old woman ever since I've known you - for the last thirty years (4a).Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > износу нет
8 сноса нет
• ИЗНОСУ <ИЗНОСА, СНОСУ, СНОСА> НЕТ[VP; impers]=====1. сноса нет чему. Also: ИЗНОСУ < СНОСУ> НЕ ЗНАТЬ [VP; subj: a noun denoting clothes, footwear etc]⇒ sth. is very durable:- X will last (forever < indefinitely>.♦ "Между прочим, хороший материал, говорят... Ему сносу нет..." (Искандер 5). "By the way, they say it's good material. Doesn't wear out" (5a).♦...Носки и рукавицы в палец толщиной вязала мать, и не было тем носкам и рукавицам износу (Распутин 4)....His mother had made mittens and socks a finger thick and those socks and mittens never wore out (4a).- X wears < has aged> well;- the years haven't changed <aged, told on> X a bit.♦ [Лебедев:] А тебе, старая скворешня, и сносу нет. Лет тридцать я тебя старухой знаю... (Чехов 4). [L.:] You look none the worse for wear, you old windbag. I remember you as an old woman thirty years ago (4b). [L.:] You know, old magpie, you wear well. You've been an old woman ever since I've known you - for the last thirty years (4a).Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > сноса нет
9 сносу не знать
• ИЗНОСУ <ИЗНОСА, СНОСУ, СНОСА> НЕТ[VP; impers]=====1. сносу не знать чему. Also: ИЗНОСУ < СНОСУ> НЕ ЗНАТЬ [VP; subj: a noun denoting clothes, footwear etc]⇒ sth. is very durable:- X will last (forever < indefinitely>.♦ "Между прочим, хороший материал, говорят... Ему сносу нет..." (Искандер 5). "By the way, they say it's good material. Doesn't wear out" (5a).♦...Носки и рукавицы в палец толщиной вязала мать, и не было тем носкам и рукавицам износу (Распутин 4)....His mother had made mittens and socks a finger thick and those socks and mittens never wore out (4a).2. сносу не знать кому rare s.o. is in good shape, despite being old or middle-aged:- X wears < has aged> well;- the years haven't changed <aged, told on> X a bit.♦ [Лебедев:] А тебе, старая скворешня, и сносу нет. Лет тридцать я тебя старухой знаю... (Чехов 4). [L.:] You look none the worse for wear, you old windbag. I remember you as an old woman thirty years ago (4b). [L.:] You know, old magpie, you wear well. You've been an old woman ever since I've known you - for the last thirty years (4a).Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > сносу не знать
10 сносу нет
• ИЗНОСУ <ИЗНОСА, СНОСУ, СНОСА> НЕТ[VP; impers]=====1. сносу нет чему. Also: ИЗНОСУ < СНОСУ> НЕ ЗНАТЬ [VP; subj: a noun denoting clothes, footwear etc]⇒ sth. is very durable:- X will last (forever < indefinitely>.♦ "Между прочим, хороший материал, говорят... Ему сносу нет..." (Искандер 5). "By the way, they say it's good material. Doesn't wear out" (5a).♦...Носки и рукавицы в палец толщиной вязала мать, и не было тем носкам и рукавицам износу (Распутин 4)....His mother had made mittens and socks a finger thick and those socks and mittens never wore out (4a).- X wears < has aged> well;- the years haven't changed <aged, told on> X a bit.♦ [Лебедев:] А тебе, старая скворешня, и сносу нет. Лет тридцать я тебя старухой знаю... (Чехов 4). [L.:] You look none the worse for wear, you old windbag. I remember you as an old woman thirty years ago (4b). [L.:] You know, old magpie, you wear well. You've been an old woman ever since I've known you - for the last thirty years (4a).Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > сносу нет
См. также в других словарях:
worse for wear — {adj. phr.} Not as good as new; worn out; damaged by use. Used with the . * /Her favorite tablecloth was beginning to look the worse for wear./ Often used with none to mean: as good as new. * /The doll was Mary s favorite toy but it was none the… … Dictionary of American idioms
worse for wear — {adj. phr.} Not as good as new; worn out; damaged by use. Used with the . * /Her favorite tablecloth was beginning to look the worse for wear./ Often used with none to mean: as good as new. * /The doll was Mary s favorite toy but it was none the… … Dictionary of American idioms
worse\ for\ wear — adj. phr. Not as good as new; worn out; damaged by use. Used with the . Her favorite tablecloth was beginning to look the worse for wear. Often used with none to mean: as good as new. The doll was Mary s favorite toy but it was none the worse for … Словарь американских идиом
worse for wear — not as good as new, worn out I borrowed my friend s canoe for a month and it is now beginning to look the worse for wear … Idioms and examples
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Primary and Secondary Phases — The terms Primary Phase and Secondary Phase describe the first two radio series of The Hitchhiker s Guide to the Galaxy . [The spelling of Hitchhiker s Guide has varied in different editions. For consistency this article always spells it this way … Wikipedia
wear — [[t]we͟ə(r)[/t]] ♦♦ wears, wearing, wore, worn 1) VERB When you wear something such as clothes, shoes, or jewellery, you have them on your body or on part of your body. [V n] He was wearing a brown uniform... [V … English dictionary
wear — wear1 W1S1 [weə US wer] v past tense wore [wo: US wo:r] past participle worn [wo:n US wo:rn] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(on your body)¦ 2¦(hair)¦ 3¦(damage)¦ 4 wear well 5¦(expression)¦ 6 something is wearing thin 7 wear the trousers … Dictionary of contemporary English
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The Parafaith War — (1996) is a science fiction novel by L. E. Modesitt, Jr.. It is set in a future where humanity has spread to the stars and divided into several factions. Two factions, the Eco Tech Coalition and the Revenants of the Prophet ( revs ) are engaged… … Wikipedia
The Benedictine Order — The Benedictine Order † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Benedictine Order The Benedictine Order comprises monks living under the Rule of St. Benedict, and commonly known as black monks . The order will be considered in this article under… … Catholic encyclopedia